December 14 2017 Alexa Good Morning (Really Old Water)

Good morning! One year ago today, geoscientists discovered the oldest water on Earth. The H20 was a serious splash from the past at two billion years of age. That’s so old, it probably had to flow uphill both ways to get to school.

Really Old Water Worksheet

 Have you noticed that I stopped putting the main idea on the white board?  Most of my students have developed strategies that can identify the main idea.  I developed "Alexa Good Morning" as a way for my students with auditory processing difficulties to practice being able to get information from spoken language.  For the most part, those students can now identify the main idea by listening to Alexa twice or three times.  A few students with severe challenges have adopted a different (but still functional) strategy of looking at the first question and finding the main idea there.  I want my students to use all of their processing detective skills, so I encourage this secondary stratedgy, especially if they had really poor auditory memory.  Looking ahead is a good test taking skill that many of our kiddos should be aware of... teachers often give away the answers in subsequent questions, so I encourage my students to read ahead of the test questions.


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